by Marcie Vallette


Life with Parkinson's

The Art World according to Marcie

Illustrated Visuddhimagga

Paintings, Prints and more


Still LIfe



Printmaking Designs

Update for sale


reddot Red dot means sold and not available to purchase.


Note: For more info on my non-fiction Graphic Novels click here.


Comix for Caregivers
Vol 1: The Parkinson's Papers

Parkinson's Disease can be vicious. I'm writing and illustrating this graphic novel for both my own healing, and so that others in the same "club that no one wants to be in" won't feel so alone.

Please stay tuned for more.
This is not a book for people with Parkinson's, but for their caregivers.


GRAPHIC NOVEL: "Rama Trauma Trump"

Find out more

"Rama Trauma Trump" is available as a free download. RamaTraumaTrump.pdf

This book is available as a soft cover book, as well. Order yours at

It's a true story of a seventeen-year-old who joins a spiritual group great that starts out great, but turns abusive. The young man leaves the group, tries to come to terms with the past, and finds that the larger culture looks an awful lot like the cult he had left.

CARTOONS about caregiving


My cartoon work is not intended to mock or poke fun at anyone. I honor all beings in their search for fulfillment and meaning. It is a hard and necessary journey. However, the search can take twists and turns, and be downright funny at times.

head in a box

I took a couple of classes in cartooning to learn some of the basics. Click on the links below for some more cartoons:

CLICK HERE: Life as a caregiver of someone with Parkinson's Disease, my own journey.

CLICK HERE: The Illustrated Visuddhimagga (thanks to my death meditation friends, fellow meditators, fellow death and end of life helpers, doulas and nurses, for bearing with me as we explore). Some gross stuff, beware.

CLICK HERE My Life as an artist (the lighter side).


---------I welcome constructive feed back. I already know that some people find my work a bit dark. Thanks! Marcie Vallette